11 Questions to a Museum Blogger on (the day after) Museum Blog Day


19th March 2014 was Museum Blog Day, wonderful. But I was on a course all day, so I didn’t really get a chance to fully Twitter embrace it although I did my best. My course was in a museum and I am blogging about the course so actually it was all pretty related.

Anyway, I have totally gone off point. Today is the day after Museum Blog Day but this post is in the spirit of that celebration.  It was organised by the people behind two top class Museum Blogs: Museum Diary (which turns 3 today!) and MuseumMinute. The Museum blogger network is playing a game of tag questions and the lovely Jack Shoulder has tagged me to answer these 11 questions below. If you want to find out about Museum Blog Day and Jack Shoulder please visit his blog http://jacksadventuresinmuseumland.wordpress.com/2014/03/19/11-questions-to-a-museum-blogger-on-museum-blog-day/

1.Who are you and what do you like about blogging?

I am Tincture of Museum, you can call me Tinc. I like blogging because it has made me go places, meet people and try out new experiences. It makes me think more about objects and connections they make in my head. It has been a lifeline when I needed a lifeline.

2 .What is the most popular post on your blog?

My most popular post by a million miles was a blog I wrote as a big thank you to the staff of the Science Museum who run an Early Bird Autism friendly event before the museum opens to the general public. I have 3 kids, one is autistic, we had never been to the Science Museum but it was a wonderful day. The hardest post I have ever had to write but the most important one. You can read it here.

3. And which post on your blog did you have the most fun writing?

Sometimes the experiences I have had which have led to blogs have been great fun. Museum Marathon and Walking the Roman London Wall come to mind.

4.If you could go behind the scenes of any museum, which one would it be and why?

I guess I would love to dig around the stores of the British Museum that would be amazing. I get to go in the Museum of London stores and I have written about some of the things, their social and working history store is amazing.

5. If you could interview anyone, anyone at all, for your blog, who wold you talk to and what would be the first question you ask them?

I would like to have a chat with Neil MacGregor, I went to a talk a few years ago at LSE when I was working at the library there. It was Neil MacGregor and Nicholas Serota in 2010, I think it really fired my interest in museums, it was all about the Museum of the 21st century. I would love to have a chat with Neil and see if we can get some autism friendly sessions up and running at the British Museum. We can get Richard Lambert to join us, he has just become Chairman of the Trustees. When he was editor of the Financial Times I used to sit in his office and go through the Letters to the Editor with him. I may have be a lowly researcher in my first job but he treated with me respect and I really admire him for that. I would love to know how he thinks the museum world can embrace the passion of volunteers whilst not taking advantage of them and how young professionals can find a more structured route into museums without having to do years of unpaid voluntary work.

6. What is your earliest museum memory?

I remember visiting the Horniman from an early age. I wonder if my 3 yr old will remember being dragged round the British Museum when he is older? My best memory is going to see the Elgin Marbles and thinking they would be giant marbles, I was actually quite disappointed.

7. What was the last museum you visited what did you see?

Two Temple Place for Discoveries exhibition a collection of items from Cambridge Museums, it was amazing. I wrote a review here

8. Share a museum selfie?

A conservation selfie in the World's Largest Archaeological Archive at the Museum of London
A conservation selfie in the World’s Largest Archaeological Archive at the Museum of London

9. If time and money were not an issue, which museum in the world would you most like to visit?

The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum – Santa Fe, New Mexico.

10. Which museum do you think more people should know about?

Sir John Soane’s Museum – I love it, completely hat stand crammed with stuff.

11. What’s the oddest search term that has led people to your blog?

“Dirt in tray” which is rather odd. I like the person who put in “bone bonanza identifying skeletons”. Perhaps my favourite is simply “loving museums” which completely sums up my blog.

Right that is me done – I am going to tag –

Please Don’t Touch the Dinosaurs, I really like the concise reviews, I tend to waffle too much.


Moose and Hobbes because “She don’t do blogs” I love the foreshore stuff.


MuseumLines the mastermind behind Museum Marathon

My questions to you are……..

  1. Who are you and what do you like about blogging?
  2. What is the most popular post on your blog?
  3. Do you have a blog you want to write but haven’t found the time/research to do it?
  4. If you could go behind the scenes of any museum, which one would it be and why?
  5. If you could interview anyone, anyone at all, for your blog, who wold you talk to and what would be the first question you ask them?
  6. What is your earliest museum memory?
  7. What was the last museum you visited what did you see?
  8. What is the weirdest thing you have done in a museum?
  9. If you could live in a museum which one who you choose?
  10. Which museum do you think more people should know about?
  11. What is the one piece of advice you would give to someone who was thinking about starting a blog?

And here’s what you have to do:

  • Answer the eleven questions – you can adapt them a little to fit your blog.
  • Include the BEST BLOG image in your post, and link back to the person who nominated you (that would be me, or this blog post).
  • Devise eleven new questions – or feel free to keep any of these ones here if you like them – and pass them on to however many bloggers you would like to.

Good luck blogging 🙂

Thanks to Moose and Hobbes and Please Don’t Touch the Dinosaurs you can read their 11 questions here

Moose and Hobbes – http://mooseandhobbes.wordpress.com/2014/03/21/11-questions-to-a-museum-blogger-on-the-day-after-the-day-after-museum-blog-day/

Please Don’t’ Touch the Dinosaurs – http://donttouchthedinosaurs.wordpress.com/2014/03/20/11-questions-to-a-museum-blogger/

Question time?

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